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[英文] 英语美文名人励志故事:What Makes Me Feel Big什么使我胸怀宽广 [複製鏈接]

英语美文名人励志故事:What Makes Me Feel Big什么使我胸怀宽广
& B( f* \4 Q) h% ~

: |) f$ N( X9 v; {! I- @  by J. Frank Dobie
( p( H- H# H. O% k+ g, C& Q  J.弗兰克.多比& Q. \' L9 {' O# F1 W
) O5 c# _: q8 d& z2 p: ?  y/ q) Y
+ W4 p, g! O4 `9 ~4 \
  "My mind is big when I look at you and talk to you," Chief Eagle of the Pawnees said to George Bird Grinnell when, after years of absence, that noble writer appeared at his friend's tepee.
7 T' C. U" @" o" a; T  并非所有坚定的真理都是美好的,但“美即是真”。所有伟大的艺术都追求这样的目标,即美融合爱,也被爱所融合。它无处不在,唾手可得。2 Q0 ?& i: |2 t8 U. t4 f0 C
  It is very difficult in drawing up a credo to be severely honest about oneself, to avoid all traditional cant. We actually believe in what we value most. Outside of the realms of ccarnality and property, which men appearing in public generally pretend not to notice, I believe in and draw nourishment from whatever makes me "feel big".# @) A0 q* w/ F4 w. u
  在离开朋友波尼族印第安人首领雄鹰的兽皮帐篷几年后,作家乔治.伯德.格林又回到那里。这位首领对他高尚的朋友说:“凝视着你,与你交谈,让我感到心胸宽广。”我们很难为自己拟出一个既能严格遵守又能避免传统教条的信念。事实上,我们最为珍视的东西便是我们的信仰。除了人们在公共场合总会假装视而不见的俗念与财产之外,所有能让我胸怀宽广的都是我的信仰,它们是我力量的源泉。, S" _' R0 @+ [1 H/ l3 T) F
  I believe in a Supreme Power, unknowable and impersonal, whose handiwork the soul-enlarging firmament declares. However, I believe in questionings, doubtings, searchings, skepticism, and I discredit credulity or blind faith. The progress of man is based on disbelief of the commonly accepted.5 P, V" t6 U3 A! T/ J! q! P3 ?
  我相信有一种至高无上且无法控制的未知力量,它的创造,宣告了灵魂拥有无限伸展的空间。然而,我也相信询问、质疑、探索与怀疑,但拒绝轻信或盲从的信仰。人类的进步是基于对普遍接受的质疑。; [1 [/ V/ ]9 \4 i) l% F+ h
  The noblest minds and natures of human history have thought and sung, lived and died, trying to budge the status quo towards a larger and fuller status. I am sustained by a belief in evolution - the increasing purpose of life in which the rational is, with geological slowness, evolving out of the irrational.6 @3 e, G. |" {8 N
# C& @4 Y$ E+ |0 o) e5 ~8 A, @: e  To believe that goodness and wisdom and righteousness, in Garden of Eden perfection, lie somewhere far ahead instead of farther and farther behind, gives me hope and somewhat explains existence. This is a long view. I do not pretend that it is a view always present in me. It does raise me when I have it, however.: J3 d% C0 q+ ]! M9 J# j' J4 l
% B- G$ u: G- D6 M  I feel no resentment so strongly as that against forces which make men and women afraid to speak out forthrightly. The noblest satisfaction I have is in witnessing the up movement of suppressed individuals and people. I make no pretense to having rid myself freed from certain prejudices, but at times when I have discovered myself freed from certain prejudices, I have felt rare exhilaration.
' b; t+ x4 D" Q  我认为,美虽然存在于肉体,但却属于精神。我从未听说过,有哪句布道词能从言辞或事实上表现出这样的精神美:“夜晚繁星点点,湖水自由荡漾。”
: w5 q' [  R4 m- P2 _; [4 @  For me, the beautiful resides in the physical, but it is spiritual. I have never heard a sermon as spiritual in either phrase or fact us, "Waters on a starry night are beautiful and free." No hymn lifts my heart higher than the morning call of the bobwhite to the long fluting cry of sandhill cranes out of the sky at dusk. I have never smelled incense in a church as refining to the spirit as a spring breeze laden with aroma from a field of bluebonnets. Not all hard truths are beautiful, but "beauty is truth."
2 c" A! t/ F! W. A" t9 x6 B  北美鸠清晨的鸣唱或黄昏时天空中沙丘鹤笛鸣般的长吟,是任何赞美诗都无法媲美的。柔和的春风中弥漫着田野间矢车菊的芳香,让我的灵魂也更加高尚,这是教堂中任何焚香都无法比拟的。并非所有坚定的真理都是美好的,但“美即是真”。4 W& y$ l) w: A/ q; g' v/ q
  It incorporates love and is incorporated by love. It is the goal of all great art. Its presence everywhere makes it free to all. It is not so abstract as justice, but beauty and intellectual freedom and justice, all incorporating truth and goodness, are constant sustainers to my mind and spirit.' I, @  U2 ^3 V) ^# C2 }
  所有伟大的艺术都追求这样的目标,即美融合爱,也被爱所融合。它无处不在,唾手可得。它不像正义那样抽象,但美、心智的自由及正义,都与真与善融合,这便是我思想与精神的永恒支柱。3 u0 W# G; }8 S! |+ f- {$ p

- I7 _- R, G3 X) w
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