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[英文] 英语励志美文摘抄:Britain's Queen Elizabeth's Message to 2009 Christmas英国女王圣诞致辞 [複製鏈接]

英语励志美文摘抄:Britain's Queen Elizabeth's Message to 2009 Christmas英国女王伊丽莎白2009年圣诞致辞
1 K# E$ G2 b, ~3 l8 c3 T

7 f6 d7 v4 q2 Z# H9 }  Each year that passes seems to have its own character Some leave us with a feeling of satisfaction, others are best forgotten. 2009 was a difficult year for many, in particular those facing the continlling effects of lhe economic downturn.5 s" W1 p" ?9 B
8 s; Q9 h8 l0 ]5 _. S  I am sure that we have all been affected by events in Afghanistan and saddened by the casualties suffered by our forces serving there. Our thoughts go out to their relations and friends who have shown immense dignity in the face of great personal loss.
8 g5 [$ q7 K# ?  我相信,我们所有人都受到阿富汗战事影响,为英军士兵伤亡感到悲伤。我们向这些士兵的家人和朋友表示慰问,他们面对巨大个人损失表现得无比高尚。
8 }: ^; K: Y/ z  But, we can be proud of the positive contribution that our servicemen and women are making, in conjunction with our allies.
- z8 _  W) T7 p* {$ _  但我们应该为我们的士兵与盟友做出的积极贡献而感到骄傲。0 s& r, i3 G# X9 z! M
  Well over 13,000 soldiers from the United Kingdom, and across the Commonwealth---Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore---are currently serving in Afghanistan.# r" i7 C! n! A4 w* j
8 m6 ^/ X( I) }6 u  The debt of gratitude owed to these young men and women, and to their predecessors, is indeed profound.6 e$ p% [! |) X; D  t5 z
2 u+ }9 b- T9 Y6 T  It is 60 years since the Commonwealth was created and today, with more than a billion of its members under the age of 25, the organization remains a strong and practical force for good.* W, A) _2 R1 I, L, Q' |: a
  今年是英联邦成立60周年,今天其成员国25岁以下人口超过10亿,为它保持长久的强大和实力提供了力量源泉。. f5 `& u+ }6 [& X
  Recently I attended the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Trinidad and Tobago and heard how important the Commonwealth is to young people.0 f; P  x( E0 L; d
  最近我刚刚参加了在特立尼达和多巴哥举行的英联邦政府首脑会议,听到联邦对年轻人是多么重要。# a( ~; A" u' u
  New communication technologies allow them to reach out to the wider world and share their experiences and viewpoints. For many, the practical assistance and networks of the Commonwealth can give skills, lend advice and encourage enterprise.6 w, N2 N  ^7 @$ T
6 Q; @9 g' u" S' c3 j+ @* Z
( U' T7 D- W' ]% W: Z! K. l2 o
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