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[英文] 英语励志美文赏析:Ban Ki-moon's Relllarks to "United Nations Academic Impact for a Better World" Conference [複製鏈接]

英语励志美文赏析:Ban Ki-moon's Relllarks to "United Nations Academic Impact for a Better World" Conference6 l& J  H. i) y( z) U

& x  y8 P% N5 X+ j5 L; o: P2 d/ o  潘基文在学术影响力国际研讨会上的讲话
8 N4 d6 I' h" e) Y6 P
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/ f0 a3 v3 \8 Y. k2 p3 B- f+ Y  The United Nations understands the enormous impact of scholarship, innovation and ideas. We are trying to harness that great power to build a better world... A world where human ingenuity will make our homes, communities and consumption patterns socially and environmentally sustainable. A world where research receives the funding; and support it needs to defeat disease, deprivation and despair. A world where the "unlearning" of intolerance will bridge barriers that still divide nations and peoples.
1 y! \1 B8 b% L- m) r, X9 a7 ?  联合国十分清楚知识、创新和理念的巨大作用。我们正努力利用这些巨大的能量来建造一个更美好的世界。在这个世界里,人类的聪明才智将发挥作用,我们将建造新型的家园、社区,使用社会可持续发展和环珑可持续发展的消费模式。在这里,人们将投入更多的资金,加大对研究的支持,努力消除贫困,减少饥饿,增强信心。在这里,人们将更加宽容,分割不同国家与民族之间的壁垒将减少。
' T+ d: |. R* O# P$ c; w' {5 @  Promoting and advancing these goals is the essence of the United Nations Academic Impact. We have been laying the groundwork for this initiative for some time now, with great support from the academic community. Later this month, we will launch it officially at United Nations headquarters in New York.
/ Q& E9 Q9 R& L5 m+ F# ^$ s9 Q  本届学术影响力国际研讨会的核心便是推动这些目标的实现。为了促成这个项目的展开,在学术界的支持下,我们已经作了一些时日的准备工作,奠定了基础。本月末,我们将在联合国总部纽约正式举办这个活动。3 n. t$ c; A* a( W6 s3 c1 X
  It will help serve as a clearing house to better match academic innovation with particular areas of work of the United Nations---neglected areas of research, countries in need of specific help, research that will help deliver concrete change on the ground, and the best ideas to achieve the Millennium Development Goals by 2015.
9 F  t  T. V- p- d  将学术创新与联合国工作的特定领域(却被研究忽视的领域),与需要特殊援助的相关国家,与能产生具体变化的研究,与实现2015年千年发展目标的最好方式相结合,起到了“结算中心”的作用。
8 n! E. k, E9 r/ |" i+ @  I am encouraged by the support demonstrated here. have high hopes for what the initiative---and all of us---can do together in the future. Of course, the UN and the academic community already enjoy a strong partnership Academic Impact will deepen it further for the twenty-first century.
4 i. \. ^$ j, U$ E  在这里,大家的支持使我倍受鼓舞。我对这个项目,对所有人都寄予厚望,我们在未来可以携手合作,共同面对。当然,联合国与学术界已经建立了强有力的伙伴关系。“学术影响力”将在21世纪进一步加深这一关系。
* X# e8 G2 L6 l  Y- L) ~- @" f
5 L' N& q4 G2 [7 h6 N! O
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